Saturday we decided to go shopping and experience the MALL. I get sensory overload so the idea was generally not on my top ten list but I thought that if we were early enough it would be ok. (and I had already postponed this little adventure on the Black Friday) Let us just say the day did not go as planned.. but who needs details.
Positive things to be gleeful about:
- I am almost done with the lattice slipper that has been calling me names so I would pay attention to it. ( and I found my helpful video again on how to cast on in the middle of a work in progress... look at craft ideas post)
- I made chocolate dipped candy canes and put them with a bag of popcorn and a package of hot cocoa mix for family that is in town but would normally not get anything from us.
- My wonderful husband put up 400 white simple lights outside just in time for Christmas and people who might visit during the dark hours of the day/night.
- My son delights me with his slur of itsy bitsy spider, trying to jump/bounce like tigger- but doesn't make it off the ground, looking in the mirror and turning from side to side like he saw prego mommy do the other day as she looked at how the bundle made her look from different angles, loves to help make whatever in the kitchen, is using sign language now to try and talk with us.
- We have several loads of clean clothes that made it through the waterpark...I mean laundry room.
- Getting most of our supplies for our home birth so I can rest more peacefully.